Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Amish on the Bridge

For awhile now I’ve wanted to write about getting out of our individual comfort zones, and spending a weekend in new places with many new people was just the catalyst I needed.

As mentors, educators, explorers, and intentional humans we strive to hone our craft and ourselves; we can be single-minded in our focus.  We work to understand our sexuality and desires and to be the best Master, Sir, dominant, slave, pup, boy, or girl we can be.  We teach classes to pass along our skills but are so busy; we seldom have time to learn from each other by simply talking..

We broadcast our desires by wearing our second skin.  We’re peacocks in the dark with brightly colored hankies fanned out in our back pockets; on the prowl for what we know we want.

Schedules are planned out carefully a year in advance; for reasons of affiliation, affinity, and proximity we support our usual favorites:  MAL in the winter, CLAW in the spring, IML over Memorial Day, etc...  Our tribe migrates with the seasons and we always know where the next pow-wow is and that’s where we go.

We are creatures of habit who constantly preach broadening our horizons.  I noticed this subconscious trend in myself several years ago and have been working to slide my way out of self-bondage ever since.

I have been attending new events (as I can, family events still take priority), learning new skills, opening myself to new people, and not immediately dismissing the thought of exploring with a submissive if we’re not exactly compatible, or if they're not what I've been attracted to in the past.

Not too far below the surface of our black leather and our flesh is an uncharted territory populated with strange animals and running with sanguine rivers.  A personal terrain where we cling to the light because it’s what we know, it’s safe.  We see clearly in the light and there is great comfort in familiar vision.  The mysteries of the dark are not for the uninitiated, but if you’re one of the folk, you’re certainly no stranger to the dark.  Perhaps it’s time to explore it again within.

During the five hour drive home Sunday evening, I was remembering my weekend and considering a future which isn’t so exactly pre-navigated.  There was a glorious, red, sunset and the light was so intense that I couldn’t be sure of what I was seeing.  On the upcoming bridge, I saw dark, almost foreboding, silhouettes of eight figures leaning on the top railing.  My first jaded thought was, “Oh shit, some kids are bored and chucking rocks down on the highway.  Make evasive maneuvers if I can, and if not ... brace for impact.”  As I moved closer the faces of eight smiling young Amish women in the last of the season’s summer dresses came into focus.  They were waving at cars; positively, briefly, connecting with strangers speeding by in the pursuit of their own lives.

It was a surreal, fleeting, and powerful moment where I re-affirmed to myself I am unafraid to venture out of my personal comfort zone in order to build bridges.  I’m taking that vision with me into the future.  It was so potent I might even be flagging well worn wool hanky/talisman in my left pocket this weekend.

Are you brave enough to be open and connect with those you might only touch for an instant, but change forever?

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