Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Amish on the Bridge

For awhile now I’ve wanted to write about getting out of our individual comfort zones, and spending a weekend in new places with many new people was just the catalyst I needed.

As mentors, educators, explorers, and intentional humans we strive to hone our craft and ourselves; we can be single-minded in our focus.  We work to understand our sexuality and desires and to be the best Master, Sir, dominant, slave, pup, boy, or girl we can be.  We teach classes to pass along our skills but are so busy; we seldom have time to learn from each other by simply talking..

We broadcast our desires by wearing our second skin.  We’re peacocks in the dark with brightly colored hankies fanned out in our back pockets; on the prowl for what we know we want.

Schedules are planned out carefully a year in advance; for reasons of affiliation, affinity, and proximity we support our usual favorites:  MAL in the winter, CLAW in the spring, IML over Memorial Day, etc...  Our tribe migrates with the seasons and we always know where the next pow-wow is and that’s where we go.

We are creatures of habit who constantly preach broadening our horizons.  I noticed this subconscious trend in myself several years ago and have been working to slide my way out of self-bondage ever since.

I have been attending new events (as I can, family events still take priority), learning new skills, opening myself to new people, and not immediately dismissing the thought of exploring with a submissive if we’re not exactly compatible, or if they're not what I've been attracted to in the past.

Not too far below the surface of our black leather and our flesh is an uncharted territory populated with strange animals and running with sanguine rivers.  A personal terrain where we cling to the light because it’s what we know, it’s safe.  We see clearly in the light and there is great comfort in familiar vision.  The mysteries of the dark are not for the uninitiated, but if you’re one of the folk, you’re certainly no stranger to the dark.  Perhaps it’s time to explore it again within.

During the five hour drive home Sunday evening, I was remembering my weekend and considering a future which isn’t so exactly pre-navigated.  There was a glorious, red, sunset and the light was so intense that I couldn’t be sure of what I was seeing.  On the upcoming bridge, I saw dark, almost foreboding, silhouettes of eight figures leaning on the top railing.  My first jaded thought was, “Oh shit, some kids are bored and chucking rocks down on the highway.  Make evasive maneuvers if I can, and if not ... brace for impact.”  As I moved closer the faces of eight smiling young Amish women in the last of the season’s summer dresses came into focus.  They were waving at cars; positively, briefly, connecting with strangers speeding by in the pursuit of their own lives.

It was a surreal, fleeting, and powerful moment where I re-affirmed to myself I am unafraid to venture out of my personal comfort zone in order to build bridges.  I’m taking that vision with me into the future.  It was so potent I might even be flagging well worn wool hanky/talisman in my left pocket this weekend.

Are you brave enough to be open and connect with those you might only touch for an instant, but change forever?

Monday, June 18, 2012

The New DL? Or, the Best of All Worlds?

The first time I was in a gay bar it was 1996.  I went with two friends to celebrate after their union ceremony.  It was a weekday night in a small town gay bar; a more than a few drinks and celebratory toasts, great conversation with people who were strangers, dancing as the night wore on, and a gay average Joe coming on to me in the back room.

At the time, I didn’t think much about it. 

Time passed; I ended my last vanilla romantic relationship in 1998.  That year was also the year that Michael and I met and we attended our first bar night together in September at Adams Street in Akron, Ohio.  My reputation as an experienced S&M top became known fairly quickly (you know what they say about good tops) and even though I was a woman, I was being actively pursued by leathermen for play.  My dominance was also noted by submissives in the scene, who were always willing to genuinely serve and be solicitous.  I earned a little respect and became permitted in the legendary red-lit back room, which was oft unlocked for me to utilize on off-nights if someone was in the mood for some private play.

Not that this wasn’t without issue, there were often comments made like, “Why will he play with you and not me??  I’m a man!”, and ripples began to form.  One night the man who made comment, came and stood next to me to spout off more of his vitriol.  I responded to him that who I interacted with was between them and me.  He replied, “But you’re a WOMAN!  Why would they want to play with YOU?!??”  I kept my cool and said, “I’m experienced.”  He stomped his foot and asserted, “Well so am I!”  Still cool, I shared with him my observation I felt that many gay men have abandoned the art of seduction.  He guffawed.  I asked if he’d like me to prove my point.  He harrumphed then said, “What do you mean?”  I asked him to pick out the hottest man in the bar.  He pointed to a handsome tattooed man with a sky blue Mohawk and matching eyes, and I excused myself.   Within 15 minutes my new friend was tasting my cocktail … by sucking it off of my fingers and my tongue.  We still know each other after all the years, and still possess a unique sexual chemistry.

Beginning in 2006, I ventured into the regional leather scene, and the world really opened up.  I visited events at too many bars to list.  The Eagle, Touché, and Jackhammer/The Hole in Chicago, the 501 in Indianapolis, Boots in Kentucky, Exile and Tradewinds in Columbus … the list goes on.  Almost without fail, at one point in every night out, I would be engaged in conversation with an acquaintance and he’d lean in closer and say in hushed tones…. “You know….. I like women too.”

The way his tone changed, and as quiet, intently, and private as his words were spoken, I felt I could be receiving an act of confession.  I realize now, I was

This has happened to me more times then I can remember. 

Most of us love to flirt, and I engage heartily as well.  Those that know me well know I am respectful of the healthy sexuality of others.  Out of that respect, even though I am dominant, I wait for gay men (who seem as if they might be curious) to make the first move past the point of casual flirtation, friendship, or innuendo.

Over the years, there have been plenty of rumors: of me “turning” gay men, having an agenda, secretly I have a penis (which is why gay men “go there”), my super snatch will make you straight, and dating gay men because they assume I am HIV positive.  (Yes, it’s been said by other gay men.)  I’m not here to change anyone and there have been times in my life I have felt like a dirty little secret, which doesn’t feel as good as it might sound.

I identify as queer, because for me attraction, love, gender, and sexuality do not fit in a tidy little box.  I’m also not threatened by bisexuality or the gorgeous, brash, overt sexuality of leathermen.  I’ve oft been called a leatherman in a woman’s body.  For many years, I’ve been conscious of loving someone for who they are and my lovers and consorts (and past collared submissive) of recent times have all identified as gay men.  Sometimes love finds you, even when you’re not looking for it and, I don’t think any of us ever planned on loving (or being smoking hot for) each other like we have.

But this writing isn’t all about me.  I’m only half of the story.  I’m setting the scene to talk about them.  The beautiful men who have enriched my life in a way that can’t ever be repaid; perhaps in beginning this discussion I can help make tomorrow easier for them. 

Over the years in the Midwest, I’ve heard snide, hateful, judgmental comments made to and about these brave men who have been out in regard to their affection for me, a woman. 

“I don’t get it…. What’s all THIS about?”
“What ARE you all?”
“Is he BI?”
“Ugh…he’s deluded, just confused.”
“He’ll change his tune if a real man shows him the way.”
“He’s trying to be straight.”
“Oh, the two men she’s with must just be together.” 
 “He must want to settle and have children.”
“Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…. You’re kissing a girl.   Nasty.”
“He’s a … traitor.”

I’ve seen these gay men and bisexual men judged harshly in both the straight and gay worlds.  Once I was asked to attend a BDSM function being held at a swinger’s club in Columbus.  I found out, in the straight world, in sexual domains such as swinger’s clubs, contact between gay/bi men is prohibited.  I will not support discrimination toward anyone based upon race, gender, sexuality, economic or HIV status, and told them if/when the club changed their policy I’d visit. 

Some times at leather events, we cannot share time in the play spaces if we want to; my gender is often not welcome.  My dominance and the fact that we have close bond will be challenged in public places, only by the uninitiated.  Little do they know, I won’t shrink from a challenge and will always defend loved ones. 

In all gay spaces, unless I’ve had enough cocktails to go totally feral, I find myself over examining the contact I have with the men I love, because they will be judged.  I’ve wanted to touch their hand, or dance closer, look at them a minute longer than appropriate, kiss them; people don’t miss a thing when you’re the freaks in the crowd.  Over the past years I’ve even developed a caring warning about how they might be perceived that I offer to them when they express an interest in me which is more than friendship. 

And, let me you…. it takes a giant pair of balls to be a gay man in a gay bar holding hands and making out with the 6ft. tall, imposing woman in a leather corset.  Blending is impossibility.

One of most outspoken voices on sexuality and for equality, Dan Savage, columnist and founder of the “It Gets Better” has made negative comments over the years in his column in regard to bisexuals (I am not referring to these gay men as bisexual, but kissing a woman is usually enough to get a bisexual label slapped on you.)

What does it say to you when the father of “It Gets Better” makes statements which imply you’re confused, you’re in the closet, you need to choose and stop being greedy, and generally talks shit about your kind? 

So, if you’re odd in the straight world and odd in the gay world…where and how should you exist? 

Recently, I asked for gay men who have experienced sexual attraction to women to contact me if they’d be interested in lending their voices to this endeavor.  Without them, and the men who have known me better than most, this writing would be incomplete. 


Race Bannon has been sexually intimate with women, in the time before he came out as a gay man.

When asked if he’s “out” in the community about attraction to women, he says,
“When it comes to any bisexual tendencies I have, I'm open about it, but generally am quite clear I identify as a gay man, not a bisexual man. For me, someone who functions predominantly in one realm or another tends to be best served by identifying with that realm. I think for most people they see bisexuals as folks who can somewhat easily move between the realms. It tends to take a special situation for me to do so.”

In his experience, he’s not been judged harshly by gale male peers and he’s not seen negative stigma if other gay men are attracted to women.  Race summarizes his thoughts with, “I feel that, at times, there are factions in our community that tend to pressure the less flexible among us to be so. For example, there are many who feel that mixed dungeon spaces are "superior" to separate dungeon spaces. I think those folks are in the minority, but they can be extremely vocal and often move within the inner sanctum of the more political/activist types in our ranks. I feel this is one reason why a large number of gay men have retreated somewhat from the pansexual groups and events in favor of gay male only groups and events. My theory is that pansexuality, which started as a movement/trend in the mid-80s with the founding of the National Leather Association, swung to an extreme position until recently and, like all things in nature, is now reaching equilibrium moving somewhere towards the middle. This was inevitable, but many position this equilibrium as a moving backwards in progress when it is actually not that at all. It's simply nature finding balance.”


Monte Burns states, “I have had sex with several women. Most before I came out, one 10 years after I came out.  I don't hide my tendencies for liking women, but I don't announce it either.”

“I am predominantly gay. I am attracted to women, but sex with them is not my preference. I totally enjoy and prefer watching straight porn vs. gay porn and I usually get my fantasy fulfillment there. I have met several women that I probably could sleep with, but I am also in a relationship with a man right now. He knows of my previous sexual partners and of my desires, but it is one thing that is forbidden in our open relationship. He is afraid I will leave him for a woman. So, to ease his fears, I don't really talk about it openly, but if asked, I don't lie or hide it either.”

When asked about being judged by gay male peers, he says, “I am not afraid of being judged harshly, although I know it happens. I learned a long time ago that I need to make myself happy first--then, if I choose to--I make the rest of the world happy with the things I do. So, if they judge me, they aren't worth my time anyway. It actually pisses me off when people judge others. To me, it's like when interracial couples became a mainstream happenstance. People were appalled that a black person would even want to date a white person, but love is love--and sex is sex.

Monte says he’s experienced stigma regarding gay men being attracted to women.  He comments. “Absolutely, I am always dismayed that people would judge others for doing things that make them happy, especially when the community as a whole is constantly fighting to be accepted by the rest of the country for doing what makes them happy. Don't be a hypocrite! If you want others to treat you like you are a normal human with your tendencies that seem unnatural or not normal to them, don't do the same thing to others within your own community.”

I ask him, what do you think of new terms like homoflexible and heteroflexible?  He said, “I think they are words used because people have such a distaste in their mouth for the word "bisexual". Before homosexuality was as accepted as it is, using the term "bisexual" was a way to ease the tension of those thinking you were purely "homosexual". People accepted that easier than they did the alternative and labeled themselves that way even if they were homosexual. I did it when I came out to my parents, told them I was bisexual to ease the blow that their son was a fairy.”

He adds, “But, to my surprise, I do have bisexual tendencies, so the joke is on me. Now back to the point...I think that people attach a stigma to the word 'bisexual'.  On the same note, I think homoflexible is used to identify that one is predominately homosexual, but will sleep with the opposite sex; and heteroflexible is a person who is predominately straight, but will sleep with the same sex. I don't currently use those words but I am not opposed to them. To me they simply mean differently levels of bisexuality. I don't believe that putting labels on people attached with ultimatums is correct -- You are gay, straight, or bisexual!? Can't we just label everyone as ‘happy’?”


Bill in Chicago dated women in Jr. High/High School/College.  He was engaged briefly, but no intercourse, but (has had) some SM/BD play.  The SM/BD play was well after coming out, and that he would consider it again in the future.

 He says, “My attraction to women is extremely particular and kind of rare.  I tend to like shorter, petite woman who are a bit tough, yet still feminine.  Brittany Murphy was an example of someone who piqued my curiosity.

When asked if he’s “out” about his tendencies in the gay community, he replies, “I've told a few friends about it, but I don't usually advertise the fact.”  But says, “Most people in the circles I walk in are fairly open-minded and don't judge as we all have our differing kinks.  Some of my friends may make a comment in jest, but really don't care.  Many folks I know are pan-sexual & open, so no one would really be shocked.”

He has not experienced any negative stigma, but at this point he says, “I have no huge desire to seek out sex with women.  I'm 50 years old and at this point in my life I would rather find one man and settle down.  So my focus is in a different direction.”  But, he says, “Sexuality varies widely.  I think total Hetero/total Homo folks are rare.  I think most folks tend to lie somewhere more in the middle of the Kinsey Scale.  A label is just a word.  I don't care what folks want to call themselves nor who they want to fuck.”

He continues, “I know that times are changing and clubs like Hellfire & MAFIA don't really know how to handle women wanting to participate, but they NEED to get up to speed very soon.  I understand that some men would prefer that women not be present, but I think the same goes in the opposite direction.  HOWEVER, I think there are MANY folks in the middle who would be more open to the genders mixing in fetish-play environments.  Perhaps different nights/parties should be set aside for the benefit of all interests?”  

He has one lament.  “One thing I've regretted in remaining exclusively gay is that I have missed out on having children.  I would have loved to have been a Dad.  But, I think that time has passed.”


“Chicago Gay Male”, who would prefer to remain anonymous, says he has had sex with women before and after he came out.  He says he’s “out” to some, but mostly he’s quiet about it (his attraction to women).

C.G.M. elaborates, “To be honest, while I'm still attracted to women, I rarely find an opportunity to act on it. I am so "culturally gay" at this point, that it's almost a strange concept. My ex-husband, whom I was with from 1995 - 2010, forbid women as part of our open relationship (he felt threatened). However, given that my answer to question 12 is "quite likely," maybe that will change.

**Question 12 was tongue-in-cheek to lighten the mood of the questions, it was “’Wanna fu@k?” 

“I fingered a woman in The Hole at Jackhammer about 18 months ago while jacking her boyfriend off. That was really hot and I wanted to fuck her, but her boyfriend said no. Add to this the fact that some people give me a hard time about it, and I figure why bother.”

He says he’s experienced “just the casual snide remarks” from other gay men about being sexually attracted to women.  In my earlier days it was that I was gay but holding onto "bi" as a way of coping. More recently it's been rude comments about my being so greedy I'm not just content to have all the boys, but I need to start moving in on the women as well. 

When asked if he’s been hesitant to approach women for fear of being rejected because you are a gay man, he answered, “Not within the kink community, but certainly outside of it.”

C.G.M. feels words like homoflexible and heteroflexible are “Just words. I hate all words that create labels on us. It sounds like more psychobabble to me, but sometimes we need definitions to describe events or tendencies. I'd like something more organic feeling though, and dirtier.”

Dan Morrow aka Buhlou Bear, begins, “My first partner was my wife, and later after I lost my first male lover I dated a married couple in Georgia.  I have, to date, not found enough commonalities to group myself with either sexual identity. I do not identify as gay nor do I identify as straight, as I am neither. When asked, I am a lotta’ guilt free explorative fun, are ya’ curious?”
He laughs and says, “In regards to how others perceive me, I am strictly Honey Badger, and Honey Badger just don't give a shit. Now, I was terrified, so much to the point that I hid several secret lives at any given time. I was southern Baptist/good Christian, straight/closet gay; after I came out I was anti-church militant liberal gay/closet straight.”

He continues, “My discovery of polyamory upset my apple cart.  When I stopped listening and started hearing, started seeing, started feeling outside my insecurities. That was when I started enjoying my animal, and enjoyed finding a partner's want or need.”

Dan told me he trends on the outskirts of the leather community, in the gay community.  He says, “I have encountered a range of responses from blank looks to heated discussions regarding my sexual proclivity. The resounding response to my apparent inability to fit neatly into one specific sexual identity has been "I just need to fuck you, once I'm done with you, you'll know what you what".  Thus far, this has been less affective as a defining moment than previously indicated.”

When asked about fearing rejection by women he approaches who might know him as a gay man, he says, “I’m not sure if I would say fear, but I generally do not share a great deal about myself.  I know that I am not being totally honest, because of that I will not pursue an intimate encounter.”

To him, “The terms homoflexible or heteroflexible feel like unnecessary sexual rhetoric.  More an attempt of those who are attempting to explore themselves, but are uncomfortable with the title "bi" due to a stigma.   Instead defining them selves in a new category and making them terminally unique sexual pioneers, as we all know bisexuality is an undiscovered country.  These terms insinuates an inherent need for a sociologic "out" for straight men to continue assuring their masculine, as well as for gay men to avoid being defined as undetermined in selection identification, thus circumventing possible perceived judgments of behavior by peers and partners, past, present and future.  The fear of being ostracized appears to be at the heart of the terminology.”

Dan says he has a few more thoughts he’d like to share, “ My definitions of right and wrong, gay and straight, pain and pleasure blur and change like a kaleidoscope the more I explore myself, the more I explore others.  As I explore, I learn more of myself, I find I have fewer ‘I cant’s’ in my daily life.”
He’s bold and answers the bonus, “I submit to explore that which pleases my Mistress, with pure respect and clean trust, I am now as always your grateful servant Miss Justice.”

Patrick Mulcahey says, “Yes, (I’ve had sex with women) many times; mostly before I came out. But after my first couple of relationships with men went south in a big way, I thought maybe I was confused, or bisexual, or something, and started seeing women again; leading to two major affairs, one catastrophic and awful, and one kind of fun (but only fun). “

On whether he is “out” in the gay community about his involvement with women, he says “Certainly I'm forthright about my past relationships with women. The last though was thirty years ago and I am not looking for other partners, female or male.” 

“While I don't hide the fact of past relationships with women, or that I find many women attractive, I don't flirt or encourage flirting. I've had memorable sexual intimacies with women, but as relationships they didn't work. To me, sexual orientation is not about whom you have sex with -- anybody can have sex with anybody, if you put your mind to it -- but about whom you fall in love with. There are a lot of women I have loved and still love, but that "in love" feeling only seems to be available to me with another man. “

He adds, “My sexual make-up seems really difficult for people to grasp.  (They say)” If you found sex with women fun, why don't you do it anymore?" Well, because "fun" was a long-ago preoccupation for me. I don't have sex for "fun" anymore. I have it for connection, for love, for comfort, for other psychological needs I can't name.”

I ask Patrick, “Are you afraid of being judged harshly by gay male peers if your inclinations are known?”   He said, “No. Opposite-sex encounters are seen in a very different light in the men's community than in the women's. There is still that lingering old stereotype that only straight men are real men, so sleeping with women might up a guy's perceived masculinity ranking. At the same time, it's true that it makes other gay men a little wary of him.  A lot of gay men have had sex with women early in their lives. But then I can't say for certain how I'd be perceived if I were still seeing female partners.”


Daniel Pierce says he’s almost been with a woman.  “Almost. Does that count? I never had an aversion to the idea and found breasts and vaginas to be beautiful. I just happened to have opportunities to have sex with men.  The opportunity (with a woman) never presented itself and I have dated men since my late 20s.  Before that I dated some very nice women but things did not click.”

 He says he’s “out” in the community about your tendencies.  “I am not ashamed of who I am. When other gay men get all icky about women, I correct them. "What's your problem, you came out of a vagina? Grow up!" and "What's so gross about going down on a women, you rim don't you?  Get over it." I just find those icky attitudes very immature. Humans bodies are marvelous both sexes.”

He likes terms like heteroflexible and homoflexible, and states, “Pansexual sometimes does not cover it.”

In regard to received negative judgments, Daniel muses, “I have always said what other people think of me is mostly none of my business.  I have sometimes mentioned that I might be bisexual but never had the opportunity to explore human sexuality with a woman. I usually get that "icky" reaction like I just mentioned the plague. It's so funny. You'd think gay men might be over stuff like that. I think it's is so cool to see women out there mingling with the boys.  I really love seeing my leather/BDSM sisters out there at IML, Campit, or a bar.  We are only half a family without our sisters and women who have done so much for us in the AIDS Crisis. They stood by us when so much of society felt we were lepers, even if we did not have AIDS.”

Russell has never had sex with a woman.  He says, “Honestly, it’s been a matter of timing and opportunity. I have had opportunities to try the other side of the fence (quite a few girls in college told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to experiment, to call them) but I just never have taken the Nestea Plunge. The closest I ever came was a near miss after a college party... she knew I was gay, and we both came close to jumping each other...but we started giggling…went downhill from there.” He makes an addendum, “I’ve never denied my tendency to look at the occasional sexy woman and think, hmmm, I wonder....It’s ridiculous to hide it, in my view. Sexuality is sexuality.”

He has engaged in SDSM with a woman though, of that experience he tells,
“She was a dark haired temptress; she flogged me after MML. It was short, because my emotional peaks from the weekend manifested rather quickly. She left me quivering and tear soaked.... (It was wonderful.)

When asked, “Are you afraid of being judged harshly by gay male peers if your inclinations are known?”  Russell says, “Not in the least. If they have a hang up, it is their issue, not mine.”  He says he’s not personally experienced a negative stigma about being sexually attracted to women but, “I know someone who has... he actually had a three way with a husband and wife recently.  He was ridiculed quite sharply for it.”

He doesn’t mind terms like homoflexible and heteroflexible.  He says,” Labels are labels...if they are used in a derogatory way, I take issue....if not, then no harm, no foul.”

Russell was a sport and also answered the bonus question.  He replied, “Be gentle, or not. Just give me a safety word....”


Master Z of Dallas was exclusively with women until the age of 32.  He comments, “2 children (1 girl/1boy) as evidence...yay super sperm!  I am an equal opportunity sexual person and use the expression that I have "lesbian tendencies" so if I am attracted, sex is in the realm of possibility. I self-identify as gay and if the horns are on, I will most likely look for a male to feast with.  He says his recollection is that, “My last sexual escapade with a female person was about 4 years ago.  I did enjoy a sexual encounter with a FTM about a year ago.”

He says he’s,” Totally out about my desire and ability to love and be sexual with whoever I am attracted to and who might be attracted to me regardless of genitals.  I believe in being transparent. As a Master to 5 slaves (3 het females and 2 gay males) plus Sir to one boy, I can be nothing but transparent. They must know me as deeply as I know them and hiding is not conducive to any relationship.”

When asked if he enjoys BDSM play with women, “I do...I do...I playing with women....sometimes more so than with men as they have been much more expressive in play as bottoms. And, I love it when the female bottom seeks permission to cum....very, very hot.”

Master Z is not in the least concerned about being judged negatively by gay male peers.  He asserts, “People can find all kind of rocks to throw at my glass house and they are welcome to do it. As a Buddhist, my ethical approach to life is to live in the current moment, to be compassionate to all living things, and to not harbor anger, revenge or hurt feelings about what others might do (and it ain't easy). That is their life and mine is to only be willing to not have attachments to it.  I have gay men in my life, including gay male slaves who designate being ordered to have sex with a female person as a hard limit. They are not against female energy, just sex with females. In some instances, my male slaves have asked if I might have had a sexual encounter with a female at an event and if I had, I tell them which squigs some of them out. That's their stuff, not mine....LOL....and as a Sadist, it is sometimes fun to play this head game with them.  I think my being a gay male is sometimes an attraction for het women. They recognize that gay men have hot sex and I think they bask in that energy even if they are not interested in actually becoming part of it.

“Terms are not a concern for me,” he says about homoflexible and heteroflexible.   “Even though I still am attracted to female sexual energy, I call myself Gay rather that Bi or other terms. Truth be told, as my slave kiki has said in workshops, "If Master wants a blowjob from me he would get it, however I think a hot boy would be the first person he would seek out.” And just sharing additional information, one of my fetish delights is when a straight man is confident enough in his sexual identity to participate in sex with me. That certainly doesn't make him gay, and it makes me hot and hard.”

Master Z wraps up by saying, “Sex is a gift of the Creator, Universe or however you believe life was given. I think all the hang-ups are about our personal shit that has been influenced by family, religious, and societal prejudice. Loving and being sexual with all genders adds to my life experiences and in no way has been a negative. I think the message of being ok with all healthy sexual activity and never using sex to hurt or malign another is the way to go.”

Always when I write, I have my iPod playing.  The music flows with my thoughts and provides harmony in tackling tough subjects. You know, I never planned on falling in love or having sex with gay men.  And, I’m sure that most of the men who did what it took to come out of one closet, never planned on having to re-examine their sexuality, some only to fight their way out of another one. 

As my summarizing thoughts are being digitally transcribed, a Dead Can Dance song begins to play.  The name of the song was, ‘Fortune Presents Gifts Not According to the Book’.  The Pod always knows.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


My first grade teacher used to lock me in a dark lavatory in the back of the classroom to break me of being inquisitive.  It didn't work.

Welcome to my blog.